Friday 7 February 2014


Question 1:

Question 2: How does your media product represent particular social groups?
I made a reader profile for my target audience. It describes what they like and who they like to see on magazines. Mainstream media use celebrities from the ages of 16-25 which is what I also did. They never write about religion and neither did I. They could be accused of trying to change the audience's view which is what they don't want. The celebrities are usually British or American. If it is a girl on the front cover they are usually dressed very girly and the colours of their clothing are colours such as pink and purple which is very stereotypical. My model was wearing a pink top which is what my target audience would want to see the person on the front cover wearing. I think my model looks happy and nice, like someone who my target audience's parents wouldn't mind their children looking up to. My target audience would aspire to look up to her because of her style, talent and personality. My main image was a medium close up. This way you can see most of her outfit because the readers will be interested in what she is wearing. Her hair was straight and her make up was quite simple apart from her red lips which made it a more bolder look. The model had her hand on her hip and she was smiling/slightly laughing. This gives a happy look which makes the magazine look more upbeat.

Question 3:

Question 4:

Question 5:

Question 6:

Question 7:

Wednesday 15 January 2014


The competition for my magazine would be Top of the Pops. It would be that magazine because they are my inspiration so our magazines are quite similar. The target audience for our magazines are the same. I have seen their reader profile and their target audience likes the same things as my target audience does. We kind of have the same colour scheme and the same type of celebrities would be on our covers.

Friday 10 January 2014

Model, Locations, Costumes or Props

I chose my model because I think that she has the right look for a Pop magazine. She is quite girly which is what my target audience would like to see on a front cover and it goes well with the genre. I took the photos at my house because I have plain white walls so it would be easy to edit it out so I could put my background behind the model. The costume was blue jeans and a bright pink top. I chose this costume because it is very girly yet casual. It fit well with the genre and its the type of outfit that my target audience would like and wear.