Wednesday 15 January 2014


The competition for my magazine would be Top of the Pops. It would be that magazine because they are my inspiration so our magazines are quite similar. The target audience for our magazines are the same. I have seen their reader profile and their target audience likes the same things as my target audience does. We kind of have the same colour scheme and the same type of celebrities would be on our covers.

Friday 10 January 2014

Model, Locations, Costumes or Props

I chose my model because I think that she has the right look for a Pop magazine. She is quite girly which is what my target audience would like to see on a front cover and it goes well with the genre. I took the photos at my house because I have plain white walls so it would be easy to edit it out so I could put my background behind the model. The costume was blue jeans and a bright pink top. I chose this costume because it is very girly yet casual. It fit well with the genre and its the type of outfit that my target audience would like and wear.

Wednesday 8 January 2014

Magazine Cover

This is my magazine front cover. I like the background because I think it looks pretty and goes well with my colour scheme. I think that it also looks better than a plain white background which is what most pop magazines do. If I could change anything I would add more things and make it more clutter because that is what most pop music magazines are like. I have used most conventions, eg. the masthead, main image, essential info, sub images, sub lines, tag line.