Friday 20 December 2013

Photoshoot Images

I liked this photo from the photoshoot for my magazine. I wanted to use it on either the front cover or the double page spread. The only problem was, I was using the magic tool on photoshop to delete the background and the top that the model was wearing is the same colour as the wall. The magic tool then couldn't recognize that the top was different to the background so it would delete the top when I tried to delete the background. The problem was lighting because in actual fact, the top wasn't a different colour to the background therefore the lighting made it look that way.

Monday 16 December 2013

Sunday 15 December 2013

Contacting Model

These are the screen shots of the texts between me and the model.

Saturday 14 December 2013

Double Page Spread Article Draft

Q: You’ve just released your album, how does it feel?                                                                                                   

A: It feels so surreal; releasing my own album has been my dream for as long as I can remember. I can’t believe it’s actually happening.


Q: Are you going on tour?

A: Yes! I’m super excited about it.


Q: Where are you planning to go?

A: Hopefully all over the world but for now I’m going to Europe, the US and Australia.


Q: Do you have any idea on when tickets will be going on sale?
A: In a few month so not that long.


Q: So you’ve become a fashion icon. Do you work hard on putting your outfits together or does it just come naturally to you?

A: I usually just throw on any old thing but I try to update my wardrobe regularly to make sure I’m keeping up with fashion.


Q: What is your favourite accessorize right now?

A: I really love gold necklaces and bracelets, I think they look so pretty together and they make your outfits look more put together.


Q: So what’s next for you?

A: I definitely want to keep on making music. I can’t wait to get back into the studio.