Tuesday 1 October 2013

Problems with my Target Audience

To find out more about my target audience I made a survey and asked a few people around the college to fill it in. After looking at the results I have realised that the people in the college are not my target audience. My magazine isn’t aimed for people who are older than the ones in college therefore I may need to lower the age group that I’m aiming my magazine for. Usually Pop music magazines are for young children so I think mine should be for a younger target audience. The age I was aiming for may think my magazine is a bit too childish for them. Therefore, they wouldn’t buy the magazine. I have realised this because the people who filled in my survey had different answers then what I had expected. A lot of them were not picking Pop as their preferred genre and I am doing a Pop magazine. I will have to ask younger people to fill in my survey so I can find out more about what they like.

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