Monday 30 September 2013

The Simpsons Movie Poster

I used Photoshop to create this poster. This is a poster for the Simpsons Movie. Using photoshop was quite simple and I didn't use a lot of tools. I got all of the photos from google, including the background and release date. Firstly I copied the background from google and pasted it into photoshop. Secondly, it got the main image and pasted it on top of the background. I then used the magic wand tool to delete the white background on the photo. Then I found the title on google and pasted it on top of the background and then I put the release date underneath. The whole process was very simple and easy to do.

Target Audience Feedback - Pie Charts

I put this information into pie charts because I thought they were the most helpful. I find this helpful because it tells me what genre of music people like the most and what magazine they usually read. I found the Genre question useful because its showing me that a lot of people like Pop music and my magazine is a Pop magazine. If not a lot of people liked Pop music then my magazine wouldn't be successful. Therefore, its good to know that people do like Pop music. The magazine question was useful because it shows me what types of music magazines people like to read. I needed to know this because if people read magazines that weren't Pop magazines then my magazine most likely wouldn't be successful. I'm happy to see that a lot of people read Top of the Pops because my magazine will be quite similar. Therefore, people will hopefully like my magazine.

Magazine Institutions

Bauer Media Group is multinational media company headquartered in Hamburg, Germany. It is operated in 16 countries worldwide. The Bauer Publishing Group comprises 300 magazines worldwide in 15 countries, as well as TV and radio stations. They have 17 offices all around the world. They publish Q and Kerrang. Immediate Media Company is a combined publishing house, combining the former assets of Origin Publishing, Magicalia and BBC Magazines. They publish Top of the Pops. Prometheus Global Media is an American entertainment publishing company based in New York City. They publish Billboard magazine.

Immediate Media Company would publish my magazine because it will be a lot like Top of the Pops. They publish some music magazines and they also do a lot of TV shows that my target audience may be interested in. If they published my magazine then it would fit in well with the rest of magazines/TV shows that they already produce.  

Wednesday 25 September 2013

NME Reader Profile

This is a reader profile for NME. I find this helpful because this is a perfect example of what a reader profile should look like so this will help me make my reader profile. This shows what NME's target audience like and what their interests are. This helps me because it shows what I should include in my reader profile and what it should look like. This also gives me an idea on what questions I should ask my target audience. Overall, this is reader profile is very helpful.

Monday 23 September 2013

Potential Problems

Potential Problems with My Coursework



Potential area where there might be a problem
How I will deal with this problem
Front cover images
1.      The images may not look professional
2.      The images may not look right for the magazine
1.      I will use concert photos because then it doesn’t have to look professional
2.      I will keep taking photos until I get it right
Article Inside Magazine
1.      It might not sound real
  1. I will look at other magazines and change it so it does sound real
Images to accompany article
1.      The images may not look professional
1.      I will use concert photos because then it doesn’t have to look professional

Proposal Form

Proposal Form



Describe your idea for the brief:
I want to do a pop magazine
It will be quite bright and colourful because it is appropriate for the target audience
Genre/ sub genre: list similar texts which have inspired your thoughts
My magazine will be pop because:
1.    I like pop music
2.    I know more about pop music
3.    Most music magazines are rock/punk
Target audience: gender/ age/ characteristics/ behaviour
Gender – Female
Age – 13 – 18 years old
Characteristics – Social, active lifestyle
Behaviour – Happy, kind
Major conventions I will use
Masthead because very magazine needs a title and name
Main image because it is important and makes the magazine stand out more
Conventions I may subvert/ change/ not use
Puff because it is quite childish and tacky
Sell Lines because I’m not sure if I want my magazine to be cluttered
Original images: what/ where/ what
It might be a photo I took at a concert
It might be a photo of a friend that I will take and they will pretend to be a popular celebrity
Potential difficulties/ Plan B:
I will do chart music because it is kind of the same as Pop but it is a bit more mature


Proposal Table

AS Coursework Proposal Table


Type of Magazine (fashion, music, etc)
Name of Magazine
Teen Zone
Audience (male/female)
Audience (attitudes and interests)
Listening to Music
Watching TV
Outlet (where it can be bought from?)
Anywhere that sells magazines eg.
Necessary Information
 There will be a barcode in one of the bottom corners of the front cover. The magazine will have issue numbers and the date of the magazine eg. it could be the September issue or the October issue.
Selling Point
 The celebrity on the front will be the selling point. It will be a popular celebrity so that will appeal to the target audience.
Theme (article)
Double Page Spread – it will be about a celebrity or a made up celebrity
Images Front Cover
Popular Celebrities eg.
Justin Bieber
One Direction
Selena Gomez
Ariana Grande
Images Inside
They will also be of popular celebrities – they will be photos that go with the articles


Deconstruction 3

       Top of the Pops is a pop magazine. The masthead is at the top of the front cover and it is to the left. The name of the magazine is in a rectangular box that is bright pink. The text is in the middle of the box. The text is white and in capital letter. The font is quite simple but the ‘S’ at the end is swirled. There is a circle in the middle of ‘top’ and ‘pops’. The circle has ‘of the’ in the middle of it, making the masthead say ‘Top of The Pops’. The box has white stars around the edges. The masthead has been stylized this way because it makes it look more interesting and girly. It’s quite fun and would appeal to a young girl. There is a small pink box in the bottom right corner. It has the date, issue number and price. They are bullet pointed with little yellow stars. Every bit of the magazine is bold, girly and brightly coloured. This makes the magazine look fun and readable. The main image is One Direction. The background is just white. This is because the front cover is very cluttered and bright so if the background was another colour it would be too much. There also isn’t a lot of the background showing. One Direction are very popular and it isn’t surprising that they are on the front cover of a magazine like this. One Direction sing bubble gum pop and that fits in well with this magazine because it has a lot of pop music. This magazine is for a child who is a girl so it is very pink and bright. Every aspect of the magazine goes well together because it is all very bubble gum pop. Most people know who One Direction are so if you were to look across a shelf with magazines on you would know what type of magazine it is. There is a yellow box at the top right of the magazine. This is the main sell line because it is advertising items from £1. The text says ‘A-List looks from just £1’. It is making people believe that they can buy celebrity looks for £1. This makes the audience want to read on and find out more. There are three cover-lines. They are down the left side of the magazine. There are also images of celebrities and their names underneath. This makes the audience want to read the magazine and find out about the celebrities. The colours are very bright and bold. There is a lot of pink, yellow and green. This makes the magazine stand out and draws you in. The colours are quite girly, especially pink. The colours work well together. The pink and green clash which makes it stand out even more. The bar code is at the bottom left. It is right next to the essential information box.

      The contents page is less bright and has less going on. The masthead is at the top in the middle. It is in a plain white box and the text is quite thin and in capital letters. The font is very simple. The outline of the box is in black and so is the text inside of it. Next to the masthead, there is another box with ‘inside your MAG…’ inside. The box is a dark shade of purple and the writing is white apart from ‘MAG’ which is black. There is a small photo of the magazine with arrows showing which pages the articles from the front cover are on. The contents page is contrast to the front cover because the front cover is very bright, bold and cluttered but the contents page is quite dull and simple. The contents page is only dull because the front cover was extremely over the top. The contents page is a lot simpler because if the magazine was bright and cluttered all the way through, it would be too much. If it was like that not a lot of people would want to read it. Also it is a contents page so it has a lot of details on where the pages are therefore it has to be clear and readable.

Friday 20 September 2013


This is my moodboard for my target audience. Everything on here is what I would expect my target audience to like. It is quite bright and upbeat which is what I would expect my target audiences personalities to be like. The background is pink which is a good colour for a Pop music magazine. I think the whole moodboard gives off a vibe of Bubblegum Pop. The singers on my moodboard don't all sing that type of music but they still fit into that category. Also, Pop music magazines are usually very cheesy like Bubblegum Pop.

Wednesday 18 September 2013


Ariana Grande - Baby I
I have used Ariana Grande's music video for her song 'Baby I'. I have used this artist/song because this is the type of music that the readers of my magazine would listen to. It is quite an upbeat song. Ariana Grande's style is very girly and fun. Her clothes are the type of clothes that I imagine my target audience would wear. Although its a music video, the clothes that Ariana wears is quite casual and similar clothing could be found in high street stores like Topshop, Miss Selfridge, River Island etc. This video is helpful because Ariana Grande is a fashion icon and she is wearing various outfits in this video. Therefore, I can look on websites and find clothing that is similar to hers. I could then put vouchers or special deals in my magazines for those stores/clothing and that could make people want to buy my magazine.

Justin Bieber - Boyfriend

I have used Justin Bieber's music video for his song 'Boyfriend'. I have used this artist/song because this is definitely the type of music that the readers of my magazine would listen to. This is a very fun song. Justin Bieber is very popular so the target audience should most likely like him. This video is helpful because it shows what type of music my target audience like and I could write about new people in my magazine who have similar music.

Selena Gomez - Come & Get It

I have used Selena Gomez's music video for her song 'Come & Get It'. I have used this artist/song because Selena Gomez is very popular and this song was number 1. Her album, which this song is from, also was number 1. Selena is always featured in teen pop magazines so I think my target audience would definitely listen to her music. Selena Gomez is a big fashion icon and a lot of the target audience would dress or want to dress like her. She also has her own clothing line. This video is helpful because this is a very popular song/music video and the colours used are quite bold and vibrant. This gives me inspiration to make my magazine that way and for the colours to be very out there and eye catching. The clothing in this music video is not very casual and my target audience wouldn't wear clothes like these. However, I think they are still very fashionable and they would be good for a celebrity to wear on the front cover of a magazine.
One Direction - Live While We're Young
I have used One Direction's music video for their song 'Live While We're Young'. I have used this band/song because this was a very popular song and One Direction are also very popular. All of their songs are always very popular. My target audience would definitely listen to their music. This video is helpful because it is upbeat and fun which is what I want my magazine to be like. One Direction are also fun people so I would want them or people like them in my magazine. I would do this so it seems like an upbeat magazine which would make people want to buy it.

I have chosen very popular people who sing pop music. Having these celebrities on front of a magazine will help it sell because they all have large fanbases who would want to buy magazines that their idols are on the cover of. All of the songs I have picked have been high up in the charts and I think that is important because having celebrities who sing popular music that is in the charts will make the magazine more successful. All of these music videos have been helpful to me all for different reasons. They have helped me decide on colours for my magazine and who to feature in it. They have also helped me see the style of clothing my target audience will like and what clothing the people on the front cover should wear.

Inspirational Magazines

I googled some teen pop magazines to look at the layouts. I did this to get ideas for my magazine and to help me decide on my layout and colours. Here are some magazines that I found helpful.

I found this magazine helpful because it is very colourful and bright which draws the audience in. There is a lot of pink which I think is a perfect colour for a teen pop magazine. The main image is of a popular band which would make the audience want to buy the magazine. The whole cover is very bright and fun which is important for a teen pop magazine. This magazine was helpful to me because I now have a clear idea of what colours I want to use in my magazine. I has also helped me have an idea about sub-headings and how I want them to look and where I want them positioned.

This magazine isn't strictly a music magazine but the colour palette and layout is perfect for my magazine. The colours are very fun and girly. The layout is quite simple but it looks very interesting. I would like the layout of my magazine to be like this. However, I may add a few secondary images because teen pop music magazines are usually quite cluttered. This magazine has also used a very popular celebrity. This magazine has helped me decide on what type of image I want on my front cover. It has also helped me decide on colours for the background and how I want it to look.

Once again, this magazine has used a popular celebrity for the main image. I like how the main image looks like its coming out towards you. I like the layout of this magazine because it is quite simple but effective. It looks like it has a lot inside and it is very interesting. The colour palette isn't appropriate for my magazine, although I like how the background goes from being quite light at the top to being dark at the bottom. This magazine has helped me think about the layout and where I want things to be placed.

All of the main images on these magazine have been taken my professional cameras. They are all photo shoots and that makes the magazine look more professional. All of the backgrounds are just plain colours, although the last one uses a light colour and a dark colour and they gradually mix together. This makes the main image stand out more and also makes the magazine look more professional. All of these things has helped me decide on what I waznt my magazine to look like and where I want everything positioned.

Media AS Aims

Hello, welcome to my blog. Throughout the year I will be updating my blog regularly to show my research and the progress of my coursework.

The aims of my AS Media course are to:

  • enhance candidates enjoyment and appreciation of the media and its role in their daily lives;

  • develop critical understanding of the media through engagement with media products and concepts and through the creative application of practical skills;

  • explore production processes, technologies and contexts;

  • become independent in research skills and their application.