Monday 23 September 2013

Deconstruction 3

       Top of the Pops is a pop magazine. The masthead is at the top of the front cover and it is to the left. The name of the magazine is in a rectangular box that is bright pink. The text is in the middle of the box. The text is white and in capital letter. The font is quite simple but the ‘S’ at the end is swirled. There is a circle in the middle of ‘top’ and ‘pops’. The circle has ‘of the’ in the middle of it, making the masthead say ‘Top of The Pops’. The box has white stars around the edges. The masthead has been stylized this way because it makes it look more interesting and girly. It’s quite fun and would appeal to a young girl. There is a small pink box in the bottom right corner. It has the date, issue number and price. They are bullet pointed with little yellow stars. Every bit of the magazine is bold, girly and brightly coloured. This makes the magazine look fun and readable. The main image is One Direction. The background is just white. This is because the front cover is very cluttered and bright so if the background was another colour it would be too much. There also isn’t a lot of the background showing. One Direction are very popular and it isn’t surprising that they are on the front cover of a magazine like this. One Direction sing bubble gum pop and that fits in well with this magazine because it has a lot of pop music. This magazine is for a child who is a girl so it is very pink and bright. Every aspect of the magazine goes well together because it is all very bubble gum pop. Most people know who One Direction are so if you were to look across a shelf with magazines on you would know what type of magazine it is. There is a yellow box at the top right of the magazine. This is the main sell line because it is advertising items from £1. The text says ‘A-List looks from just £1’. It is making people believe that they can buy celebrity looks for £1. This makes the audience want to read on and find out more. There are three cover-lines. They are down the left side of the magazine. There are also images of celebrities and their names underneath. This makes the audience want to read the magazine and find out about the celebrities. The colours are very bright and bold. There is a lot of pink, yellow and green. This makes the magazine stand out and draws you in. The colours are quite girly, especially pink. The colours work well together. The pink and green clash which makes it stand out even more. The bar code is at the bottom left. It is right next to the essential information box.

      The contents page is less bright and has less going on. The masthead is at the top in the middle. It is in a plain white box and the text is quite thin and in capital letters. The font is very simple. The outline of the box is in black and so is the text inside of it. Next to the masthead, there is another box with ‘inside your MAG…’ inside. The box is a dark shade of purple and the writing is white apart from ‘MAG’ which is black. There is a small photo of the magazine with arrows showing which pages the articles from the front cover are on. The contents page is contrast to the front cover because the front cover is very bright, bold and cluttered but the contents page is quite dull and simple. The contents page is only dull because the front cover was extremely over the top. The contents page is a lot simpler because if the magazine was bright and cluttered all the way through, it would be too much. If it was like that not a lot of people would want to read it. Also it is a contents page so it has a lot of details on where the pages are therefore it has to be clear and readable.

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